Thursday 28 November 2013

Download Game Mr. Smiley v.1.0

yoyoyoyo. Admin THER kembali lagi membawakan sebuah game karya deerbomb yang berjudul Mr. Smiley. Game ini bercerita tentang Mr. Smiley yang ingin pulang ke rumah, tetapi ia harus menghindari orang2 yang sedih agar ia bisa tetap senang saat pulang ke rumah. oke langsung aja didownload.
Bagi yang gk mau download silahkan main online aja di KONGREGATE.

Download Mr. Smiley v.1.0 (1,4 MB)



Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb

          Kali ini kami akan memberikan sebuah game kepada para GAMERS KONGREGATE, terutaama yang suka game "GUN MAYHEM". Oke, kalo begitu langsung saja download gamenya dibawah  kumpulan screenshoot  ini  .

KLIK   "DISINI!!" [7,68 MB]


Saturday 23 November 2013


Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb

          Kali ini kami akan memberikan tutorial kepada sahabat EFBIAYE mengenai "CARAMENGGANTI WARNA TEMA MICROSOFT OFFICE WORD 2010". Oke, kalo begitu langsung saja lihat, baca & praktekkan tutorial dibawah ini

1. Buka Microsoft Office Word 2010 lalu klik "File"

2. Klik "Options"

 3. Klik pada "Color scheme" [pilih warna - Blue, Black & Silver] lalu klik "Ok"

                                  Sekian informasi dari saya Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Die Prinzen - Deutschland lyric In German and English

In German :

Deutsch, deutsch, deutsch...

Natürlich hat ein Deutscher "Wetten, dass"* erfunden
Vielen Dank für die schönen Stunden
Wir sind die freundlichsten Kunden auf dieser Welt
Wir sind bescheiden - wir haben Geld
Die Allerbesten in jedem Sport
Die Steuern hier sind Weltrekord
Bereisen Sie Deutschland und bleiben Sie hier
Auf diese Art von Besuchern warten wir
Es kann jeder hier wohnen, dem es gefällt
Wir sind das freundlichste Volk auf dieser Welt

Deutsch, deutsch...

Nur eine Kleinigkeit ist hier verkehrt
Und zwar, dass Schumacher** keinen Mercedes fährt

Das alles ist Deutschland - das alles sind wir
Das gibt es nirgendwo anders - nur hier, nur hier
Das alles ist Deutschland - das sind alles wir
Wir leben und wir sterben hier

Deutsch, deutsch...

Es bilden sich viele was auf Deutschland ein
Und mancher findet es geil, ein Arschloch zu sein
Es gibt manchen, der sich gern über Kanaken beschwert
Und zum Ficken jedes Jahr nach Thailand fährt
Wir lieben unsere Autos mehr als unsere Frau'n
Denn deutschen Autos können wir vertrau'n
Gott hat die Erde nur einmal geküsst
Genau an dieser Stelle, wo jetzt Deutschland ist
Wir sind überall die besten - natürlich auch im Bett
Und zu Hunden und Katzen besonders nett

Das alles ist Deutschland...

Wir sind besonders gut im Auf-die-Fresse-hau'n
auch im Feuerlegen kann man uns vertrau'n
Wir steh'n auf Ordnung und Sauberkeit
Wir sind jederzeit für 'nen Krieg bereit
Schönen Gruß an die Welt, seht es endlich ein
Wir können stolz auf Deutschland... SCHWEIN!

Schwein, Schwein...

Das alles ist Deutschland...
* A popular German TV quiz show.
** Michael Schumacher is a famous Formula 1 race driver and also the highest paid sports figure in the world.

In English :

German, German, German...

Of course a German invented "Wetten, dass"*
Many thanks for the enjoyable hours
We're the friendliest customers in this world
We're modest - we have money
The very best in any sport
The taxes here set a world record
Visit Germany and stay here
It's this kind of visitor we wait for
Anyone who likes it can live here
We're the friendliest people in this world

German, German...

Just one little thing is out of whack
And that is, Schumacher** doesn't drive a Mercedes

All that is Germany - all that is us
You won't find that anywhere else - only here only here
All that is Germany - all that is us
We live and die here

German, German...

Many people are arrogant about Germany
And some think it's cool to be an a--hole
There are some who like to complain about Kanaken [foreigners]
And travel to Thailand every year to f---
We love our cars more than our women
Because we can trust German cars
God kissed the earth just once
Right on the spot where Germany is now
We're the best everywhere - naturally also in bed
And we're especially nice to dogs and cats

All that is Germany...

We're really good at busting someone in the chops
We can also be relied on for starting fires
We like order and cleanliness
We're always ready for a war
Friendly greetings to the world, understand
We can be proud of Germany... SWINE!

Swine, swine...

All that is Germany...
* "Wetten, dass" ("Wanna bet?") is a popular German TV quiz show.
** Michael Schumacher is a famous Formula 1 race driver and also the highest paid sports figure in the world.


Wednesday 13 November 2013

Download Game PuNiS3RR's Pack

               Kali ini admin mau share game, tetapi kali ini agak berbeda karena game ini sudah admin buat satu paket jadi ga usah repot-repot download banyak game :). Oke, paket kali ini berisi beberapa game yang mungkin masih asing di telinga kawan-kawan sekalian. Jadi ini isi paketnya:

  • Bounce 2
  • Impossible Quiz
  • Mafia Boss
  • Ninja Adventure
  • Shoot the Zombies
  • Take-A-Drive
Game-game diatas merupakan isi dari paket game kita kali ini. Tetapi untuk isi dan kualitasnya admin tidak bisa menjamin bagus, setidaknya game ini layak untuk kita mainkan. Tanpa banyak Bacod lagi saya persembahkan mahakarya ThePuNiSh3RR yaitu PuNiSh3RR Pack silahkan didownload, ukurannya juga cukup kecil jadi jangan khawatir :D.



Resep Asinan Buah

2 buah kedondong, dipotong-potong 
200 gram 
nanas, dipotong-potong
150 gram bengkoang, dipotong-potong 
150 gram 
mangga mengkal, dipotong-potong
200 gram 
pepaya mengkal, dipotong-potong
100 gram jambu air merah, dipotong-potong
30 gram kacang tanah, digoreng untuk taburan

Bahan Kuah:
1.500 ml air
12 buah cabai merah keriting, dibuang biji 
250 gram gula pasir
2 sendok teh 
1/2 sendok makan ebi, diseduh, disangrai
3 1/2 sendok makan 

Cara membuat:
1. Remas-remas 
pepaya mengkal dengan 1 sendok teh garam. Biarkan sebentar. Cuci bersih. Sisihkan.
2. Remas-remas 
mangga dengan garam. Rendam dalam air gula encer (75 gram gula pasir dan 75 ml air, direbus) semalaman. Keesokan harinya ditiriskan dan cuci bersih. Rendam lagi dalam air gula kental (100 gram gula pasir dan 75 ml air) semalaman. Lakukan hal yang sama dengan kedondong.
3. Kuah: haluskan cabai merah keriting. gula pasir,
garam. dan ebi. Tuang air. Masak sampai mendidih. Angkat. Tambahkan cuka. Aduk rata. Dinginkan. Masukkan buah-buahan. Diamkan 2 jam dalam lemari es. Sajikan dengan taburan kacang tanah goreng.

Cara memakai dasi dengan benar

1. Siapkan tali dasi. Yang pendek di kanan, yang panjang di kiri.

2. Silangkan tali yang panjang di atas tali yang pendek.

3. Arahkan tali yang panjang ke belakang tali yang pendek.

4. Lanjutkan dengan menaruh tali panjang ke depan tali yang pendek dan ketatkan.

5. Kemudian tarik tali yang panjang dan arahkan ke lubang tali yang di sekitar leher.

6. Tahan depan knot dengan longgar dengan jari ibumu dan taruh tali yang panjang ke putaran tali yang pertama.

7. Terakhir, keluarkan jarimu. Ketatkan tali dasi dengan menarik tali pendek ke bawah dan ikatan ke atas.

~Fuck Off~


Earthquake often happens around us. It brings great damages. Earthquake is hard to be predicted and that makes lot victims.

Actually there are three kinds of earthquake. This kinds of earthquake are commonly base on the factor and geological area where the earthquakes happen. These three kinds of earthquake are tectonic, volcanic and explosion.

Tectonic earthquakes is most common one. This kind of earthquakehappens while earth's crust rocks break because of the geological strength created by moving of the earth's plates.

Volcanic earthquakes happen exactly with volcanic activity. Volcanic earthquakes are when the volcano produces acidic lava, which drys quickly, when it drys quickly it blocks the top of the volcano. This make no more magma can escape. Pressure starts to build up and eventually the acidic lava can no longer stand the pressure. So the volcano is free to explode, the pressure is released so fast that an earthquake is caused. A volcanic earthquake is usually kept within 10-20 miles of the volcano.

Explosion earthquakes are the result of the collapse earthquakes that are small earthquakes occurring in underground mines and caverns.

 Earthquake often happens around us. It brings great damages. Earthquake is hard to be predicted and that makes lot victims.

Actually there are three kinds of earthquake. This kinds of earthquake are commonly base on the factor and geological area where the earthquakes happen. These three kinds of earthquake are tectonic, volcanic and explosion.

Tectonic earthquakes is most common one. This kind of earthquakehappens while earth's crust rocks break because of the geological strength created by moving of the earth's plates.

Volcanic earthquakes happen exactly with volcanic activity. Volcanic earthquakes are when the volcano produces acidic lava, which drys quickly, when it drys quickly it blocks the top of the volcano. This make no more magma can escape. Pressure starts to build up and eventually the acidic lava can no longer stand the pressure. So the volcano is free to explode, the pressure is released so fast that an earthquake is caused. A volcanic earthquake is usually kept within 10-20 miles of the volcano.

Explosion earthquakes are the result of the collapse earthquakes that are small earthquakes occurring in underground mines and caverns.

Saturday 9 November 2013


Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX

          Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX mios ing Sompilan, Ngasem, Ngayogyokarto rikolo 12 April 1912kanti, asma timur Bendoro Raden Mas Dorodjatun. Panjenegan nipun putra Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII lan Raden Ajeng Kustilah. Nalika yuswo 4 tahun Hamengkubuwono IX sampun pisah kalian rama ibu nipun. Panjenengan nipun sekolah wonten ing pawiatan HIS ing Ngayogyokarto, MULO ing Semarang, lan AMS ing Bandung. Rikala tahun 1930-an panjenengannipun kuliah ing  Rijkuniversiteit (sakmeniko Universiteit Leiden), ing Belanda.
 Hamengkubuwono IX kawisuda minangka sultan Ngayogyokarto rikolo tanggal 18 Maret 1940 kanti gelar “Sampeyan nDalem Ingka
ng Sinuhun Kanjeng Sultan Hamengkubuwana Senapati ing Ngalaga Abdurrahman Sayidin Panatagama Khalifatullah ingkang Jumeneng Kaping Sanga” . panjenengannipun ingkang mbalela kalian penjajah Walondo lan ngupiya kamardikan Indonesia. Kejawi saking punika panjenengannipun ugi ngupiya amrih pemerintah Republik Indonesia paring status khusus dateng Ngayogyokarto kanthi jejuluk “Istimewa”.
 Sakderengipun jumeneng noto, rikolo yuswo 28 tahun Sultan wawan rembag kalian diplomat senior Walondo Dr.Lucien Adam ngengingi otonomi Ngayogyokarto. Rikolo penjajahan Jepang, Sultan mboten ngidinnaken pengiriman Romusha tumuju Sumatra, Panjenengannipun ngawontennaken pedamelan Selokan Mataram. Sultan sesarengan Paku Alam VIII minangka panguaos ingkang nyengkuyung pemerintah Republik Indonesia. Panjenengannipun ugi ngerawuhaken Presiden supados mimpin Negari saking Ngayogyokarto saksampunipun Jakarta dipunkuaosai  Walondo wonten ing Agresi Militer Walondo I. Sultan ugi ngginakkaken arta dipun kiyambak (saking istana Ngayogyokarto) kangge mbayar gaji pegawai engkang mboten pikantuk gaji wiwit Agresi Militer ke-2.

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono mangkat / sedo dinten ahad wanci dalu suryo 2 Oktober 1988, panjenengannipun sedo wonten ing George Washington University Medical Centre, Amerika Serikat lan kapetak wonten ing pemakaman Raja-raja Mataram ing Imogiri, Bantul.